Series Flange Mounted Vibration Motors
AFV 1510/15

AFV 1510/15

1) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


2) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


3) For AVM Series -20 C +40 C ( -4 F 104 F )


4) We use electrostatic epoxy powder paint in almost all of our AVM Series products. Body color code: YELLOW 1018 Side Covers color Code: GRAY 7024


5) Pre-heaters

Stainless side covers Cr

Different foot-prints for your special applications

Special design productions

AFV 2500/15

AFV 2500/15

1) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


2) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


3) For AVM Series -20 C +40 C ( -4 F 104 F )


4) We use electrostatic epoxy powder paint in almost all of our AVM Series products. Body color code: YELLOW 1018 Side Covers color Code: GRAY 7024


5) Pre-heaters

Stainless side covers Cr

Different foot-prints for your special applications

Special design productions

AFV 4500/15

AFV 4500/15

1) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


2) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


3) For AVM Series -20 C +40 C ( -4 F 104 F )


4) We use electrostatic epoxy powder paint in almost all of our AVM Series products. Body color code: YELLOW 1018 Side Covers color Code: GRAY 7024


5) Pre-heaters

Stainless side covers Cr

Different foot-prints for your special applications

Special design productions

AFV-C 1510/15

AFV-C 1510/15

1) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


2) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


3) For AVM Series -20 C +40 C ( -4 F 104 F )


4) We use electrostatic epoxy powder paint in almost all of our AVM Series products. Body color code: YELLOW 1018 Side Covers color Code: GRAY 7024


5) Pre-heaters

Stainless side covers Cr

Different foot-prints for your special applications

Special design productions

AFV-C 2500/15

AFV-C 2500/15

1) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


2) Three-Phase Input Voltage:

For All AVM series : Standart applications: 50Hz- 220 – 230/380-400 Volt or 60Hz 220-240/440-480 Volt We are offering you different voltage and frequency on demand AVM Series vibration motors can be operated by variable Frequency inverters (VFD featured).


3) For AVM Series -20 C +40 C ( -4 F 104 F )


4) We use electrostatic epoxy powder paint in almost all of our AVM Series products. Body color code: YELLOW 1018 Side Covers color Code: GRAY 7024


5) Pre-heaters

Stainless side covers Cr

Different foot-prints for your special applications

Special design productions

AFV-C 4500/15 افضل المواتير الكهربائية

AFV-C 4500/15 افضل المواتير الكهربائية

 تتميز محركات الاهتزاز الصناعية AFV-C 4500/15 افضل المواتير الكهربائية بالكفاءة والقوة العالية، وتصميمها المتين يجعلها مثالية للاستخدام في التطبيقات الصناعية التي تتطلب قوة الاهتزازات العالية

استخدامات AFV-C 4500/15 افضل المواتير الكهربائية

يستخدم محرك كهربائي من نوع AVM 750/15 في العديد من التطبيقات الصناعية والتجارية، ومن بين استخداماته الشائعة:

  • يستخدم في ضخ السوائل والمواد الكيميائية في المصانع والمستودعات.
  • يستخدم في تشغيل الآلات الصناعية مثل المضخات والمرواح والمجففات.
  • يستخدم في نقل المواد الثقيلة والأجزاء في العديد من الصناعات مثل الحديد والصلب والأسمنت.